We've got a big problem,

and we need to be addressing it much more rapidly and purposefully.

Although there may be conflicting eco-news, it’s clear to anyone willing to look and listen:

We are destroying the one planet we need to sustain life.

This is about so much more than climate change. Plastic is literally everywhere all the way down to micro-particles inside our bodies. We pump CO2 and so many other pollutants directly into our atmosphere. We dump a myriad of things into both our fresh water and our oceans. We contaminate the earth itself with chemicals and other pollutants. Biodiversity is crashing at an alarming rate. 

Image credit: Rich Carey/Shutterstock

These things are happening, full stop. 

We could argue about how much of it is caused by human activity or how there are natural cycles that are always at play, essentially distracting us from focusing on the actual problem we face. But those distractions do not make these changes any more conducive to human life (or to our current global ecosystem).

Humans alone have the capacity to address this. We have power as people, and working together we can change the trajectory we are on. Instead of spiraling down a path of global crisis, we can work together to shape a healthier future for all. Imagine if every person’s job and every child’s education was focused on addressing these problems. As we stand, our Earth, our lifestyles, and our economics are completely out of balance.

We can do better at home by eliminating, reducing, reusing, and recycling – however, the bigger bang for our buck comes from convincing our producers and suppliers, our economic system, to adopt the same mindset.

No more waste; no more passing the buck.

You may ask yourself:

‘How exactly do we do this?’

We need innovation, a novel approach to these problems. By adopting an innovator’s mindset and a new view of our existing business models, we can create and maintain a sustainable economic model while directly and unabashedly altering the current trajectory of Earth-related destruction.

Look at it this way, best-case vs worst-case scenarios. Together, we can save the Earth and our future on it; but even if we’re wrong, our one planet would still have clean air, clean water, and more fertile soil to support greater biodiversity to enhance our Earth's natural systems and its beauty!
A more sustainable economic approach is needed for us and our Earth to have a bright future.

Either way sure seems like a win.

Take charge of our future. Join us.