Revolutionary Solution: Hair as an Effective Tool to Clean Oil Spills

Find out how human hair has been proven to clean up oil spills!

Hair has been scientifically proven to be effective in cleaning up oil spills due to its unique physical properties. When hair comes into contact with oil, it has the ability to absorb and trap the oil, leading to its removal from the contaminated surface. 

"Hair is adsorbent, not absorbent," noted Matter of Trust, which has been using hair to clean up oil since 2000. "Hair doesn't swell up like a sponge; instead, the oil coats the entire surface area of the hair, and because of the sheer volume, it is a very efficient material."

Here's how it works: 

  • Hair is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water and attracts oil. The structure of hair, specifically its scales and surface roughness, creates a large surface area for the oil to adhere to. The oil adheres to the hair through a process called adsorption, where the oil molecules cling to the hair fibers.

  • Hair is composed of fine strands that can act as capillaries, drawing the oil into its hollow structure. This allows the oil to be absorbed and transported along the hair strands, increasing the oil-holding capacity.

  • Unlike many synthetic materials, hair is lightweight and buoyant, enabling it to float on the water's surface while carrying the absorbed oil. This makes it easier to collect the oil-hair mixture for cleanup.

  • Hair is a natural and renewable resource that is readily available. It can be sourced from salons, barbershops, and individuals who donate or sell their hair. This makes it a sustainable option for oil spill cleanup, reducing the need for synthetic materials and minimizing environmental impact.

Scientific studies and practical applications have demonstrated the effectiveness of using hair mats, booms, or stuffed pantyhose (known as "hair sausages") to contain and absorb oil spills. However, it's important to note that hair alone may not be sufficient to clean up large-scale oil spills. It is often used in conjunction with other materials and techniques as part of a comprehensive cleanup strategy.

How is hair being used to clean oil spills? 

One notable example of human hair being used to clean up an oil spill is the Cosco Busan oil spill that occurred in San Francisco Bay, California, in 2007.

On November 7, 2007, the Cosco Busan container ship collided with the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, resulting in the release of approximately 53,000 gallons (200,000 liters) of heavy bunker fuel into the bay. In response to the spill, local hair salons and volunteers collected and donated large quantities of hair clippings.

Matter of Trust, an environmental nonprofit organization, coordinated the collection and repurposing of human and animal hair to create hair mats and booms. The donated hair was stuffed into recycled stockings or made into mats and deployed in affected areas to contain and absorb the spilled oil.

The hair mats and booms proved effective in capturing and absorbing the oil, providing a sustainable and cost-effective solution. Thousands of pounds of hair and fur were used during the cleanup efforts, assisting in the recovery of the affected coastline and wildlife.

This example demonstrates the successful utilization of human hair, along with other materials, to mitigate the environmental impact of an oil spill and highlights the potential of hair as a valuable resource in oil spill cleanup operations.

What does this mean for the environment? 

The use of hair can revolutionize the way we contain and reduce the impacts of oil spills. Hair has been proven to be an effective method to clean up oil. 

Human hair contributes to approximately 1.2 billion meters of waste per year globally. Imagine if the hair could be collected and repurposed for environmental protection and pollution reduction, and oil spills could be cleaned up without hurting the environment. 

What companies are using hair to clean oil? 

Hair has been utilized in various ways to clean up oil spills, demonstrating its effectiveness as an eco-friendly and readily available resource. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Matter of Trust's Hair Mats and Hair Booms: Matter of Trust, a nonprofit organization, collects donated hair from salons, individuals, and pet groomers to create hair mats and hair booms. These mats and booms are used to absorb oil spills in water bodies. The hair's natural ability to adsorb oil is harnessed, and the collected mats and booms can be reused multiple times.

  • International Bird Rescue's "Winged Victory" Program: International Bird Rescue, an organization dedicated to rehabilitating oiled birds, uses hair and fur in its "Winged Victory" program. The hair is collected and turned into mats and pouches that are placed in bird habitats. These materials capture and remove oil from the feathers of affected birds, aiding in their recovery.

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